Source code for flask_validation.decorators

from functools import wraps

from jsonschema import validate
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
from flask import abort, request, current_app

from .fields import _BaseField

[docs]def json_required(): """ A decorator to check header type is ``application/json`` if you decorate endpoint with this, it will ensure that the request has a valid payload type before access endpoint if header's content type is not ``application/json``, abort the ``invalid_content_type_abort_code`` """ def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): invalid_content_type_abort_code = current_app.config['INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE_ABORT_CODE'] if not request.is_json: abort(invalid_content_type_abort_code) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def validate_keys(required_keys): """ A decorator to check request payload keys if you decorate endpoint with this, it will ensure that the request's json body includes '`required_keys'`. if request body didn't includes ``required_keys`` , abort with ``key_missing_abort_code`` Nested JSON processing is possible by inserting the dictionary in the ``required_keys`` like this ``['a', 'b', {'c': ['q' ,'z']}]`` :param required_keys: key list to check request body's JSON """ # ['a', 'b', {'c': ['q' ,'z']}] def _validate_keys(src, keys, key_missing_abort_code): for key in keys: if isinstance(key, str): if key not in src: abort(key_missing_abort_code) elif isinstance(key, dict): for k, v in key.items(): if k not in src: abort(key_missing_abort_code) _validate_keys(src[k], v, key_missing_abort_code) def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key_missing_abort_code = current_app.config['KEY_MISSING_ABORT_CODE'] if request.is_json and required_keys: _validate_keys(request.json, required_keys, key_missing_abort_code) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def validate_common(key_type_mapping: dict): """ A decorator to check request payload keys and type If the request payload does not include the key in ``key_type_mapping``, abort the ``key_missing_code``, and if the type is not correct, abort the ``invalid_type_code``. Nested JSON processing is possible by inserting the dictionary in the ``required_keys`` like this ``{'a': str, 'b': int, 'c': {'d': int, 'e': str}}`` :param key_type_mapping: A dictionary for payload check with this form ``{<key name>: <type class>}`` """ # {'a': str, 'b': int, 'c': {'d': int, 'e': str}} def validate_key_and_type(src, mapping, key_missing_abort_code, invalid_type_abort_code): for key, typ in mapping.items(): if key not in src: abort(key_missing_abort_code) if isinstance(typ, type): if type(src[key]) is not typ: abort(invalid_type_abort_code) elif isinstance(typ, dict): if not isinstance(src[key], dict): abort(invalid_type_abort_code) validate_key_and_type(src[key], typ, key_missing_abort_code, invalid_type_abort_code) def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key_missing_abort_code = current_app.config['KEY_MISSING_ABORT_CODE'] invalid_type_abort_code = current_app.config['INVALID_TYPE_ABORT_CODE'] if request.is_json and key_type_mapping: validate_key_and_type(request.json, key_type_mapping, key_missing_abort_code, invalid_type_abort_code) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def validate_with_fields(key_field_mapping: dict): """ A decorator to check request payload with Field classes in If the request payload does not include the key in key_type_mapping, abort ``key_missing_code`` and abort ``validation_failure_code`` if field validation fails. Nested JSON processing is possible by inserting the dictionary in the ``required_keys`` like this ``{'a': StringField(allow_empty=False), 'b': IntField(min_value=0), 'c': {'d': BooleanField()}}`` :param key_field_mapping: A dictionary for payload check with this form ``{<key name>: <field class>}`` """ # {'a': StringField(allow_empty=False), 'b': IntField(min_value=0), 'c': {'d': BooleanField()}} def _validate_with_fields(src, mapping, key_missing_abort_code, validation_failure_abort_code): for key, field in mapping.items(): if isinstance(field, _BaseField): if field.required and key not in src: # required일 때만 not in에 대해 abort abort(key_missing_abort_code) if key in src: # required가 True던 False던, 들어 있으면 validate value = src[key] if field.allow_null: if value is None: # nullable하고, 실제로 value가 null이라면 validation 필요 x continue print(value) print(field.validate(value)) if field.validate(value) is False: abort(validation_failure_abort_code) elif isinstance(field, dict): if key not in src: abort(key_missing_abort_code) if not isinstance(src[key], dict): abort(validation_failure_abort_code) _validate_with_fields(src[key], field, key_missing_abort_code, validation_failure_abort_code) def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key_missing_abort_code = current_app.config['KEY_MISSING_ABORT_CODE'] validation_failure_abort_code = current_app.config['VALIDATION_FAILURE_ABORT_CODE'] if request.is_json and key_field_mapping: _validate_with_fields(request.json, key_field_mapping, key_missing_abort_code, validation_failure_abort_code) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def validate_with_jsonschema(jsonschema: dict): """ A decorator to check request payload with jsonschema If validation fails(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError raised), abort the ``validation_error_abort_code``. :param jsonschema: jsonschema """ def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): validation_error_abort_code = current_app.config['VALIDATION_ERROR_ABORT_CODE'] if request.is_json: try: validate(request.json, jsonschema) except ValidationError: abort(validation_error_abort_code) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator